Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Excitement after She Speaks

Hello friends: I do not know where to begin. I am really quite overwhelmed and am still recovering from airport drama. [I will tell you about that later] This past weekend at She Speaks was more then I could have ever anticipated. I went expecting to see God in ways that I had not before. I prayed that I would be a light for Him and that I would come home with one new friend. That prayer was answered in so many ways. He blew my expectations out of the water. My Prince gave me gift after gift after gift all weekend. [I just wanted to do my happy dance] I left the hotel overflowing with joy and renewed vision.

Imagine, six hundred talented beautiful women sitting in one place waiting upon Him. That was what this weekend was. I looked around me with joy to see my follow Jesus' Princess' waiting upon Him. Each woman was so beautiful. They each had so much to offer and share. I talked to these amazing women who continued to amaze me. Ever single person I met had a vision of chasing after Him. I kept thinking "Wow Jesus, you want me here?" Never, ever underestimate the plan that your Prince has for You. It is always much more then you can imagine. :)

I loved meeting the girls over at She Seeks, a branch of P31 Ministries directly for 20 something girls like me. They write fabulous devotions and I did not expect to meet them. You see with 600 women I was not sure if I would even see them. Oh man. Jesus boxed them right up tied a big purple bow and allowed me to meet them all. These beautiful women are women that inspired, nurtured, loved and encouraged me through my wanderings in the past year without knowing it. I would pour over their blogs, devotions and vlogs (video blogs) in great anticipation of hearing from my Beloved Prince. These women were real. They talked about the issues I faced and the struggles of wandering through life. But they were my friends when I had none. Yes, I realize having virtual friends sounds strange, but when you don't have a single person your own age to relate to, calling your or talking to you it is a big deal. I would venture that I am not the only woman that has felt that way about these beautiful women. If you haven't checked them out, You HAVE to [click home to check them out]. I loved them long before I met them and they are even more lovely in person. They each encouraged me and listened to me and I would be silly not to note that secretly I was star struck.

Another thing I absolutely loved was watching the different women speak. I went there hungry to learn how to publicly share God's heart with people. These women were polished and real. The best part was they were relatable. I watched Lysa Terkeurst, Micca Campbell,Karen Ehman,Marybeth Whalen and Renee Swope share their heart. I learned so much from their wisdom on how to reach an audience. God spoke through those women. My Prince quietly whispered and reminded me of things that we had be working through and thinking about the last couple months. It was moving.

The girls in my Speaking Evaluation group were so inspiring. They had such beautiful stories that captivated and touched each of us. Such strong women who have experienced so much. What I love is that they are eager to share with everyone the ways the Jesus has changed it all.

Oh there is so much more this Princess could say. I might bore you to tears with what could be the world longest blog post. I am so so excited about it all!!! I will continue to share the things I experienced and God put on my heart. But right now I am being called to laundry, job searching, nannying and preparing for my girls bible study!! Oh God is so good!!!


  1. Loved meeting you at SheSpeaks, Erin.

    Praying for you.

  2. Girl, how did I not see this. You need to let me know when you post. Or better yet, I'm following your blog now. I love your writing. Seriously.

    love you!
